Freegraphicdesingerscom A New Graphic Design Community
Released on: August 9, 2008, 3:50 am
Press Release Author: urofreem
Industry: Internet & Online
Press Release Summary: Now an all new community for graphic designers and those individuals seeking graphic design services has been established at the revolutionary site At neophyte graphic designers looking to get their foot in the door and attempt to establish a solid portfolio can connect with webmasters seeking graphic design talent! is a forum where fledgling graphic designers offer their services for free and webmasters request the services provided by the neophyte graphic designer!
Press Release Body: Webmasters that visit have an opportunity to request the graphics they need and to list the exact specifications of the graphic designs they seek. In turn, freelance graphic designers can visit the postings made by webmasters and accept the assignments requested. creates a win-win situation for everyone; the webmaster's graphic needs are met at no cost to the webmaster, and the fledgling graphic designer gets the chance to get their feet wet and to improve upon their graphic design skills! No payment is expected from the webmaster requesting graphic design work from the graphic designers that accept assignments at Webmasters, if fully satisfied with the work however, are welcome to provide the neophyte designer with a small payment if they desire to do so, as a way of illustrating gratitude for a job well done! Now webmasters can stop spending hours on the Internet seeking quality graphic design firms and they can stop paying outrageous fees for graphic design! Webmasters are encouraged to visit to request graphic designers, coders, and writers today! Are you a webmaster that has had some fine work provided by a graphic designer in the past? Repay the favor by endorsing a quality graphic designer at Want to see a graphic designer's existing portfolio? Visit and browse the portfolios presented, then choose a graphic designer based on their high quality work! When you visit everything is free, including registration for the forum! Do you have a web design issue, a coding problem, or a graphic design issue that's been bothering you? At, designers can freely communicate with each other and get advice, tips, and hints. Designers are encouraged to learn from each other as they master the art of graphic design! joins webmasters with designers, and is working hard to unify the graphic design community. A completely free forum community where every member has the advantage of working with others, of making contacts, of networking, and no payment is ever involved unless it is completely voluntary! "I needed a graphic logo for my site, but I didn't have a huge budget for professional designs. When I found it was like a gift from heaven! I couldn't believe I could get a high quality logo for free! The designer that took my project on satisfied my every requirement and I will definitely work with him in the future!" Posting requests for designers is always free, just as the services offered by the graphic designers are at no cost to the webmaster. Webmasters will not only get great graphic designs at no cost whatsoever, but they will be supporting the graphic design industry by giving up and coming designers a chance to develop and hone their skills. If you are a webmaster looking to support the graphic design community, you can help designers establish their graphic design portfolios by posting your needs at today!
Web Site:
Contact Details: Now an all new community for graphic designers and those individuals seeking graphic design services has been established at the revolutionary site At neophyte graphic designers looking to get their foot in the door and attempt to establish a solid portfolio can connect with webmasters seeking graphic design talent! is a forum where fledgling graphic designers offer their services for free and webmasters request the services provided by the neophyte graphic designer!
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